On facebook there is an application called "flair".
You can send little buttons to people, of varying quality (both buttons and people, I'd guess), and they place them on a little corkboard on their profile. It's cute and I get addicted to looking new ones up. A cute one has a picture of Andrew Jackson on the $20, and says, "Irony is Andrew Jackson on a central bank note"
Sometimes I come across particularly atrocious ones. Such as one claiming Patrick Henry said "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
Which is almost always attributed to Voltaire.
Which was actually said by Evelyn Beatrice Hall.
In other news: I Love BBC and NOVA! Archaeology class is much more entertaining than expected.
I hope that you were able to take Archeology 101 from Dr. Indiana Jones. He is noted for his painstaking investigative methods of examining archeological sites. You could learn a lot from him.
Ah yes, I heard that he and Lara Croft recently joined the Ethics board for Archaeological Conservation.
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