Thursday, June 18

All this happened, more or less.

I am having such an itching to buy books. I haven't been to a used bookstore in ages. It was that urge that engouraged me to update my Goodreads booklist. Which of course reminded me of the list of authors to acquire I have. Naturally I ended up with ten different tabs open, cross referencing and comparing prices versus shipping charges.
Naturally I then chickened out because money is money. So I am left with an empty feeling and a burning desire to read about Prague and the Dalai Lama. Every time I turn around there is another entry for my list. There's not enough time in the day to buy all the books I need -- much less enough time for actually reading them.
Of course dwelling on those lists brought me to whistfully read my other lists. Things to grow, books I already own, air filtering plants, movies to see, projects in the queue... The faux-excel in Google Docs has resulted in a ridiculous number of lists for me.
Among my current projects is building a bookcase, building plant stands, and finding a haircut. Even though I know that I will probably start growing my hair out again immediately I still want a change. I've wanted it awhile, but I still haven't found a style I like. It's a hard decision, especially considering I haven't had a haircut since 1999.
I wish I had more activity to report, aside from an antsy feeling that I should be doing something. I miss my cats. Next year I will have an adorable Jewish couple for landlords. I want to pierce my ears again. I might have a job. It's another retail slave job, but it is something. Oh, and I want goats and chickens when I have a real home. Fresh eggs and cheese. At least, in theory if I find out how to deal with farm animals.


Steve R. said...

The Bookshop had a sale on hardcover books, $1 each. Picked up three Science Fiction books that I didn't have. Now where to put them?

Sonya said...

Beware The Mother. She has inklings of surreptitiously getting rid of books when we aren't looking, and thus defiling everything for which we stand.